

The Mirror

A picture from 2017 when Mum was a spritely 92 year old. Since Mum died in October I am working on my issue: keeping 'stuff' and attaching emotions to inanimate objects, so it was a huge step for me to part with this mirror yesterday, don't get me wrong, there are still lots to deal with from when I moved her from her flat. I go into the garage, lift up one of her ornaments from a box...then put it back Lol! Small steps...

Moving Mum into the Care home in 2020, in the middle of a pandemic was especially difficult and I had to choose what things to take to furnish her room. I didn’t think twice about her mirror, or her tiffany lamps or her framed embroidery or the painting of a tree I did when I was a teenager that she framed and wouldn’t part with, or the elephant ornaments or her freestanding jewellery box or the painting done by her brother. Of course by this stage she actually had no attachment to any of these things and didn’t recognise anything as belonging to her but I wanted her to remember, to realise these were her things, to not totally lose herself to dementia.
I didn’t want to let her go.
I kept the mirror in our garage store room until yesterday and decided quite suddenly that it was time for it to give joy to someone else so I dropped it off at a local charity shop where I was assured it would quickly be sold! Everything was good until I walked out the shop and then my resolve weakened but I kept walking, remembering it was just a ‘thing’ and keeping the mirror was not bringing her back to me.
26th April 2023
Credits list
Page made with the ArtPlay Disquiet Collection available until May 3 2023
Disquiet Collection: https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Disquiet-Collection.html
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Reactions: MrsPeel
your mother looks fantastic on this photo, a real lady.
the mirror is beautiful.
a bittersweet story behind this layout. big huge.
I’ve been there, Fiona. Lost my mother 4 years ago and still have ‘things’ that I cann’t give away although I don’t use them. Love your layout - such a beautifel presentation/expression of your experiences.
I’ve been there, Fiona. Lost my mother 4 years ago and still have ‘things’ that I cann’t give away although I don’t use them. Love your layout - such a beautifel presentation/expression of your experiences.
My Mum started emptying her home into mine years ago, the girls and I used to laugh that she wouldn't ever let us leave without taking a memento and I have tried to shed a lot of things because I didn't want them in the first place but it's a process this grieving thing I think...x
What an amazing layout! I think everyone goes through the same struggles with "things", I know I do! Congrats on your GSO!
Another fantastic page Fione, I see it as a great tribute of your mum. I understand you very well, I still can't get rid of Willem, it feels to me like throwing him away, it's such an ugly feeling.

Congrats on the GSO, so well deserved!
Congratulations on the GSO.
Beautiful image of your mom. Love the way you've dealt with the reflection in the mirror.
It's hard to let go of things but so freeing when you can.

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
3.5 MB
Date taken
Thu, 27 April 2023 10:10 PM
3600px x 3600px

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