


  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
Inspiration -This is a play with adjustment layers page. I played with all the adjustment layers from Monday’s lesson and a few others. It was for me to learn what I can do and what I like.
Start- File New 12X12 300.
Paper – Placed Solid Paper 4 above the background layer. After I added the photo, I then added a gradient map to the paper using one of the blue gradients.
Photos – I placed my photo in the upper right corner. I experimented with all the adjustment layers in the latest session but stayed with the selective color after I added a solid color with a vivid light blend mode. I liked how these gave a mask look to the photo giving me a place to add my art.
Title Cluster-I put the wood word Moon and Story on the page, also added Multimedia Moon 2 and added the night clouds from another photo which I attached using Layer>Create Clipping Mask, then I added and invert adjustment layer to the clouds. I put two copies of the Artstroke under the words and one I added a gradient map and the other I placed in the layers so it picked up the gradient layer of the paper. Finally, I added Urban Stitching 10.2 and added an invert adjustment layer which I clipped to the thread. Ordinarily I would do this with a Adjustment layer but for me this is part of the learning. I placed a word transfer below the Multimedia Moon.
The wonderful thing about adjustment layers is how you can add them, turn them off, try clipping or unclipping. Move the various places in the layers panel. When you use destructive methods, playing is harder. I won’t be using just adjustment layers, but I will when I think they are beneficial. What I love is that you can add blend modes to the layers which is something you can’t do using destructive methods. So, I see these as another tool for me to use and they open up wonderful opportunities to up my creative level. Thanks, Anna, ---clouds for the class because I had used adjustment layers but didn’t understand there true range of use.

Thanks to Jack Taylor for picture, I got on Unsplash.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Oh I love those clouds! Great use of the invert adjustment layers. I too am having fun playing with all that knowledge.

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Anna Aspnes
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131.2 KB
Date taken
Wed, 19 April 2023 8:09 AM
1000px x 1000px

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