
Robert Campbell

Robert Campbell

I need to step away from Genealogy sites IMMEDIATELY!! I'm becoming obsessed with tracking ancestors like some demented stalker! This isn't my Great Great Grandfather from the 1800s because I doubt if there is a picture of him anywhere - not even a mugshot from his 40 days in prison for horse theft! Ah Genealogy is fascinating; my husband's ancestors are surgeons and chemists etc...and I've got a dodgy horse thief Lol!!!

***EDIT*** Found out this is in fact my Grandfather so maybe Robert Campbell did resemble his Grandson after all!

The paper has done all the work here...Artsy paper > extracted Photo duplicated three times, Pin light, soft light and Overlay modes > two transfers overlay and colour burn modes> Painting of gypsy encampment duplicated, colour burn and linear light modes.
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Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
What a great story Fiona, I almost fell off my chair laughing :p Who cares a thief, in our family there was a whore. Do you look like him because he's very handsome. lol

Your page is stunning, you did the background so great, also great is the extraction of him. I don't know what I like best, the story of your page!
beautiful portrait! a very beautiful man! genealogy reserves in general many good and bad surprises!
I had to click on this because there are several Robert Campbells on my DHs side of the family, would love to know if any of them were horse thieves too :D
That's a great idea how you used the photo as a stand-in. (he almost has a little bit of a Tommy Shelby look about him (Peaky Blinders)
I love what's happening in the background at far right. There's that hiding-in-the-canyons mystique suitable for a dodgy ancestor. And while the paper might have done all the work, yours was the imagination that brought it to life. Well done Fiona! On my ex-husband's side there was a cook who came over (allegedly) on the Mayflower. Last name: Cook. Let's just say I have my doubts....
Love the story and blending! My grandfather left Ireland because he was wanted by the law. Guess we all have skeletons in our closets.
I had to click on this because there are several Robert Campbells on my DHs side of the family, would love to know if any of them were horse thieves too :D
That's a great idea how you used the photo as a stand-in. (he almost has a little bit of a Tommy Shelby look about him (Peaky Blinders)
I just found out tonight that this is in fact my grandfather James Campbell; he definitely was a handsome devil in his younger days, by the time I arrived on the scene he was 71 so I only remember him as an old man and not a Tommy Shelby look a like LOL! Apparently his brother Robert used to come to America to trade horses so you never know...
How funny! My husband's GF took off to the west coast, left his wife and children and
started another family back in the day... That couldn't have happened today with all the tracking!
I just found out tonight that this is in fact my grandfather James Campbell; he definitely was a handsome devil in his younger days, by the time I arrived on the scene he was 71 so I only remember him as an old man and not a Tommy Shelby look a like LOL! Apparently his brother Robert used to come to America to trade horses so you never know...
Veeeerrrr-ry interesting, my FIL's middle name is James, could you be a long long cousin to my DH? :giggle:
If Caitlyn was a boy, she was going to be named James too

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Anna Aspnes
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Robert Campbell.jpg
File size
2.4 MB
Date taken
Mon, 13 March 2023 6:58 PM
1000px x 1000px

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