Done for the March 2023 Recipe Challenge #3 found here:
Journaling reads:
Delightful Morning Glory
As I gaze out of my window I see
each new morning a fresh bloom greeting me.
With its purple trumpets clarion call
proclaiming joy and peace to one and all.
There displayed in glorious pristine splendour
it filled my spirit with joy and wonder,
and just as the new day was beginning,
my soul would burst out with praise and singing.
Following the sun's path across the sky
reflecting sunlight as the day went by,
though with the setting sun it faded away
a new one was born the following day.
Its short life may have passed by me unseen
and so different my day would have been,
but I'm so glad to say that I do enjoy
each Morning Glory miracle of joy.
New every morning is God's love to me.
In His creation His beauty I see.
Each flower that opens and bird on the wing
tell of His glory and His praises sing.
~Royston Nella, Poem Hunter
“At a time of restrictions and concern about Covid19 I found this lovely flower a lovely distraction uplifting my spirit with the wonder of creation. Each bloom only lasts a day, sings its song and then passes away.”