


  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
Inspiration – When I saw the colors for the challenge, I started looking through my photos. I have put color labels in Lightroom on all my photos. So, I selected blue and perusing though my photos I came up with the idea to choose all blue hour photos.
Start – Artsy Layered Template 100.
Paper – I added Solid Paper 3 from Salute above the background layer at an Opacity of 47%. Then placed Artsy Paper 3 from Twilight above the first paper with a linear light blend mode.
Mask- I created a mask to attach my focal photo to.
Photos – I add my focal photo to the mask and the other photos to the mask layer of the frames with Layer>Create Clipping Mask.
Title – Wooden word Blue for Summer Wordart mix duplicated and both copies adjusted to blue using Ctrl> U set to Colorize.
Elements – I put the clocks on the page from Mileu, Remembrancer, and Find My Way all inverted using Ctrl>I and applying a Linear Dodge blending mode. Then created a small cluster using a clock hand from Find My Way, a string from MultiMedia Branches 13.3 and white flower from Apothic
Journal – Blue, Blue my world is blue. The blue hour is a magical time to take pictures. It occurs twice a day first the hour before sunrise and the second the hour after sunset. If you are out photographing a sunrise or sunset, you must include the Blue Hour in your photography like the sunrises/sunsets each is different.
I always look to see if my photos need lightening and if all elements have shadows.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
What a gorgeous layout! I love your blue photos and how the clocks remind me of the Ferris wheel photo!
I love this great page Joan. The photos are very beautiful, I love this blue, a great take on the challenge!
WOW! Beautiful photos, and good advice in your journaling. I wish I had added colors when I did Lightroom keywords. I did good to get names, events, etc. No way I'm going back through 20K+ photos though.
WOW! Beautiful photos, and good advice in your journaling. I wish I had added colors when I did Lightroom keywords. I did good to get names, events, etc. No way I'm going back through 20K+ photos though.
Just start doing it when you add the new ones.

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Anna Aspnes
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3 MB
Date taken
Sat, 21 January 2023 7:16 AM
3600px x 3600px

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