

1932 Plymouth - Swell

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
I don't have any beach photos, went a different way with the car photo that matched the beachy colors.

I started with Artsy Paper 3, loaded the MultiMedia Frame 3-2 layer file, clipped Artsy Paper 4 to the mask, and grouped the frame files. Above the frame group I placed my photo, with an inverted mask and brushed the car back in. Duplicated photo/mask with blend mode Screen @ 61%, duplicated again with blend mode Lighten @ 25%. I added 4 texture/paint layers from the Artsy Layered Template below the frame group. Embellished with elements, Artsy Stains, Take Flight brush, Sand Scratched brushes, MM Magic Sprinklez (leaf/twig removed), button threadz, and word art plus journaling. Finished with a Composite Layer on top (CTRl+SHIFT+ALT+E) with Multiply Blend Mode @ 30%.
Credits list
ArtPlay Swell Collection, This limited option is back at a 55% discount and now includes the coordinating ArtsyTransfers. This product will no longer be available after January 25, 2023 at 9am EST.
MultiMedia Frames 3-2 (included in the collection)
Artsy Layered Template 228 (included in the collection)
Sand Scratched Tool Set
Button Threadz 1-8
Clouds 2-4
Take Flight 2-7
MultiMedia Magic Sprinklez 3-3 (some layers removed)
Stitched by Anna Border Cream 1-9 (recolored)
Artsy Stains 13-3
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love the color of the car! And I have to remember your finishing touch with the composite layer: will give that a try!
Wow! That's a wonderful car. The color is fabulous. Love the use of the pom poms in your cluster.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
294.2 KB
600px x 600px

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