

Attitude of Gratitude Day 9 - In My Kitchen

Journaling reads: Someone said, “The kitchen is the heart of the home.” And, I suppose, at one time it used to be. I remember delighting in spending time in the kitchen finding new recipes for the family to try, even if it was a fail! The fail kept me searching for the perfect meal they would enjoy! I remember looking forward to the time we spent around the table, enjoying the meal I had worked hard to prepare, listening to everyone share their day with the rest of the family. I remember finding the bits of food, hidden in the glass of milk or under the rim of the plate, so “they” could proclaim their plate was clean. I remember.....Those days are long gone and while grateful for the new stove top I have, spending less time in the kitchen, and no complaining about the food I fix it’s just not the same. I just don’t enjoy being in my kitchen like I used to. My desire to discover new recipes and get creative is gone. It just is. I would rather eat out, but we are not rich. So, I count my blessings; cook when I need to, and remember.....11/9/22
Credits list
I began with the Template, added a paper from the ArtPlay palette, continued layering from the Transfers, Word Art, Clusters, changing colors as needed on the layers from the template. I grouped the 4 photo layers together to use as a mask for my photo. I layered another paper over the lower layers to tone down the darker colors.
Artsy Layered Template No 76 by Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette Fare by Anna Aspnes
ArtsyTransfers Fare by Anna Aspnes
Fare No 1 by Anna Aspnes
In My Kitchen Word Art by et designs
In My Kitchen Clusters by et designs
Fonts are Arial Narrow and Aprillica Regular
Photo is mine
Designer(s) Used:
  1. et designs
Another evolution. I really like the different aspects of your book and how it tells stories about you in a way that relate to gratitude. Beautiful page.
A happy place to be ... creating meals with love. Love the clusters framing the photos.

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Oscraps Cheery O's
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Member Galleries, Anna Aspnes, et designs,

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File size
224.1 KB
600px x 600px

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