

Challenge #3: Halloween

  • Media owner isDK
  • Date added
I had lost my trip dossiers on my dead computer and couldn't come up with anything, and we both welcomed a rest day. So after the mediocre hotel breakfast I took photos out our window, of the hotel's flags in the wind and of shadows from the morning sun on the stucco walls.
Credits list
Anna Aspnes: Paper color (Winter)
ET Designs: Bootiful Halloween
Rachel Jefferies: I'm Ready (paper luminosity)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. et designs
  3. Rachel Jefferies
This is a cool perspective. The "normal" on the right, contrasted with a shadowy Halloween viewpoint on the left. We haven't done Big Travel since Covid, but even on our small journeys now I always plan for Rest Time. Glad you had yours, but ugh on losing your travel notes!
Always so creative! Love the way the blue sky transitions into the shadow image! Makes me miss blue sky! (we haven't had any lately).
Love the comparisons of the photos, also love taking photos of shadows, they tell a whole different story. A rest day is good!
Super division of the pages and nice find for the background paper, which has a kind of raw stucco feel to it. Sorry about the digital loss.

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Challenge 3
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Member Galleries, Anna Aspnes, et designs, Rachel Jefferies,

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File size
955.6 KB
1224px x 775px

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