

She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy - Wild Autumn

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
Starting some new Autumn traditions with Tracy and Chris. Off like a herd of turtles, preparing for hunting season, to trim limbs in the shooting lanes, and Tracy learning to drive the tractor.

I started with Artsy Layered Template 209, added Wild Autumn FotoBlendz 1-4 and clipped photo to it and another photo to the two small frames. Recolored all the template layers to coordinate, changing the Blend Mode on some layers. Then I grouped 5 template layers and clipped another copy of the large photo to the group. I added Wild Autumn Solid Paper 1 (blue), above the Background layer, added and blended solid paper 4 (brown) with Blend Mode Vivid Light @69% opacity, and masked out the top 1/3, added a blank layer above it and painted some lighter brown texture on the bottom 2/3. Embellished with Artsy Tape, Trees 4-6 brush to extend the horizon line, elements, word art and journaling. Last I used Scattered Leaves brush Preset, with a brown color, and under Color Dynamics adjusted Hue Jitter to 13%, Saturation Jitter to 43% and Brightness Jitter to 45%, to get the different colored leaves. Fonts used: Billiers and Awesome Darling.
Credits list
Anna Release ArtPlay Wild Autumn (solid paper 1 & 4, Artsy Layered Template 209, Foto Blendz 1-4, elements, MultiMedia Leaves 4-3, art stroke 2, Wood Words 6-6, 6-7)
Scattered Leaves 1-5
Trees 4-6
Artsy Tapes 1-12
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
I love your caption for your photo!. Your photos blend in perfectly with your background! An amazing layout!
Great title and word art work! Looks like she's having fun. Congrats on the GSO!
Great composition and photos, so fun! My Oz would go nuts to be able to drive on a tractor!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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290 KB
600px x 600px

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