


  • Media owner dwsewbiz
  • Date added
The PNW rain has started (a good thing), the leaves are falling, the tomatoes are done for the year, and I'm making good progress on my mandala afghan :)
Featuring the ArtPlay Rudeneja Collection on SALE.

I used the Artsy Edge Frames for the photos on the left, and two copies of the Artsy Layered Template Frames for the photos on the right.
I erased some of the ALT frames but left the Drop Shadows for an open but layered effect. Then I added a Stroke on top of the left frames for added white. (Ctrl Select the Mask, Modify the Selection by adding 20 pixels, add a new layer and Fill, then add another layer and Edit > Stroke, about 20-30 pixels; hide the filled layer and keep the Stroke layer, adding a Drop Shadow).

On the Background of Solid and Artsy Rufeneja papers, I placed multiple copies of a leaf photo in Overlay mode, 70%.
'Fall' word art is in Hard Light mode.
MM and embellishments added, including the leaf clusters made for my last page (reuse!!).
Credits list
MultiMedia Rain No 1
MultiMedia Flowers 13 (search for 'multimedia' and find something that matches!)
MultiMedia Magic Sprinklez 3 (beads and splatters)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Lots of fall goodness! Love the variety of photos and colors. We had a bounty of cherry tomatoes, ended up making roasted cherry tomato sauce. Have enough to get us through the winter.
Love the afghan and this time of year overall as ably illustrated in this design. (Tomatoes were truly great in NY, many other crops not so.)
That afghan is beautiful! I love the way you added the white frames on the left, and the background leaves.
Making great progress on the afghan. A new one popped up in my feed and I was wondering how long before you start it ;-) really like those water droplets over the leaves.
Rain is good. We had fire weathet and are extra thankful. I love your art journal vibe and colorful photos.

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
256.9 KB
1000px x 618px

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