

A Magic Time

  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
Inspiration – Some inspiration came for the latest session with Anna Aspnes and some came from the three brushes that I had tried when they came out to create my own scene. I got some ideas from watching the deconstructs and had some ideas myself.
Start- File>New 12x12 300
Paper – Placed Solid Paper 5 above the background layer
Transfers – Used transfers 2 in upper left hand-corner, transfer 6 I used as ground cover for the base of one tree. App De Novo I use to represent a bath to the building.
Brushes – Used various splatter brushes in white to represent snow falling, a snow brush I used under the title cluster and Brush 6 as ground cover under one of the trees I filled with blue and duplicated then duplicated again and filled with gray and increased the darkness using Ctrl L.. Brush 5 I added to complete my tree scape. I took a tree photo and placed it above then clipped it to the brushed using Edit>Create Clipping Mask. I added the Hue Blend mode to the picture. Then I added Trees brush 6.4 over the other brush and clipped a color look up to the brush.
Photo – I used the object selection tool to remove three different trees from photos and to remove a building. Then used these extractions to create a picture. I used the quick selection Tool to select part of the background to help g=create ground for the picture.
Title Cluster – I started with the Wood words A, Magic, and Time. Added the Brown ribbon, dried grass and a leave from the MM Magic Sprinkles
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love the barn and tree scene (great technique) and how the splatter brushes look like snow falling. Gorgeous!
Bravo! This is excellent! And your process notes are very helpful. Love the subtle blues.
Well, you worked your very own magic here.
Love the hint of snow with the paint and the wonderful trees.

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Anna Aspnes
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anna-aspnes-digital-art-artplay-Frondescence collection-Joan Robillard-Woods.jpg
File size
390.3 KB
Date taken
Sat, 22 October 2022 9:55 AM
1000px x 1000px

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