

anna-aspnes-digital-art-artplay-DeFacto collection-Joan Robillard-The dam .jpg

  • Media owner Joansmor
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Inspiration – Been playing with Luminar AI the new photo editing program I purchased. The main focal photo was one I edited using the program. When I was done with the page I realized that I had too little white spaced so I had to adjust the size of things.

Start – New>File 12x12 300

Paper – Placed Solid Paper 5 above the background layer.

Mask – Put Defacto Fotoblendz 1.5 over the paper and rotated. I made copies of the mask layer for photos that highlighted

Photos – I first edited the picture of the dam at Milton Three Ponds so that it reflected the sunshine of the day. I attached it to the mask layer using Layer>Create Clipping Mask. I duplicated the photo twice and attached it in the same way to the two stain layers of the Fotoblendz. I filled the other layers with color using Edit>fill.
I snuggled the two copies of the mask layer next to the focal photo and downsizing them and attached two photos using Layer>Create Clipping Mask.
Transfers-I added Artsy Layered Transfer 3 in the upper left-hand corner Playing with the color of some of the layers using Ctrl U. Then I added Artsy Layered Transfer 2 on the right edge.
Element – The first thing I added was Multimedia Document 1.4 on the page. I did that to honor my sister. She is in the photo underneath the element. She hates any pictures of her. I have several that I keep in my photo collection but try to restrain using in my scrapbooking. And this one is of her from the back taking a photo much like my focal photo. I like the picture to remind me that she was there with me.
Next, I created a Title Cluster. I started with the wood words More Beauty. I added the ribbon and the gold key, intertwining ribbon with the key and the word More. Lastly, I added the paper rose over the word Beauty and use Ctrl U set to colorize to add a little blue to the rose.
Words – A added a word transfer in a gap and the added the poem the Falls – isn’t a dam a miniature fall.
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Reactions: NAdams and ksacry
I like how you have the upper fall photo and the larger building photo blended in to the main photo. Your page gives motion/flow from the top to the bottom of the waterfall. Your treatment of the photo is great!
Photo treatment is beautiful! I like your process notes explaining the reasons for placing all the pieces.
I like the water ripples. Nice how you can take a design, make the whole thing smaller and then it's just right.

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Anna Aspnes
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anna-aspnes-digital-art-artplay-DeFacto collection-Joan Robillard-The dam .jpg
File size
345.4 KB
Date taken
Sun, 11 September 2022 12:07 PM
1000px x 1000px

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