


  • Media owner pmjames
  • Date added
Best Memories Are This - family birthday celebration!

Created with the Artplay Sonoma Collection - On Sale now with a 59% discount and now includes the coordinating ArtsyTransfers until September 14, 2022 at 9am EST. A family birthday celebration!
Credits list
Artsy Layered Template No.277
Artplay Palette Sonoma
ArtsyTransfers Sonoma
Butterflies No.2 (included in the Ephemeral BrushSet Bundle at a 44% discount until the 16th September)
Birds No.1 (included in the Ephemeral BrushSet Bundle at a 44% discount until the 16th September)
MultiMedia Branches No.11
Memories WordART Mix No. 1

Process The Artsy Layered Template No.277 (included in this Collection) was opened up and two Artsy Papers were placed on top of the Background Layer. A Pin Light Blending Mode was applied to the top Layer. Quite a few of the Layers of the Template were turned off and others were filled with colour to better support my images. Multiple versions of my Focal Image were blended via a Layer Mask and Brushes, with different Blending Modes applied to each layer. WordTransfers, Pictorial Brushes, Transfers, Artstrokes and the lace from the ArtsyTransfers were placed below my focal image image. Supporting images and an Artsy Paper were clipped to the frame layers. Dimensional elements and WordART were placed on top of the layout. Journaling completed the page.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: zlemon
Oh, such precious, precious photos!!! I love the love that is evident between them! Your blending is fantastic and so is your title work!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
245.3 KB
1000px x 1000px

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