

anna-aspnes-art-play-ephemeral-digital-art "Gone Fishing"

  • Media owner dwsewbiz
  • Date added
Pop pop bought Ozzy a little fishing pole. He loved it, but not to catch the fish. The fish needed to ride on the boats :) Fun at our local park and backyard fishing hole :)

Recently @musicmom3 used an old-school template (in this great page) and these odd-shaped frames felt perfect for a collage of photos, enabling a blend of the old and the new ArtPlay Ephemeral Collection.
Background is Artsy and Solid papers from ArtPlay Ephemeral, with a yellow Color Overlay at reduced opacity (about 40%) to brighten this up to kid level.
Photo on the right blended with Ephemeral FotoBlendz (I use the .png for simplicity, then supplement with brushes and erasers as needed).
I found the "Gone Fishing" sign on the internet (royalty free clip art), then added MM Flowers 13 Bonus element and lots of fishing stuff!
On the left the frames are from an old Magic FotoBlendz album (it's easy to make these frames with Custom Shape Tool, then warping corners for fun angles.)
Photos were clipped to frames, then I decided to clip off some of the photos (I often have cut-off photos ad strange backgrounds because Oz moves quickly) using a mask and rectangular marquee tool, then filling the frame masks with blue to match Oz's wet shirt. I also clipped some lace from a transfer to one of the frames.
Credits list
ArtPlay Ephemeral Collection
ArtPlay Palette Wander (fishing pole, fish charm, fish word art and big fish (in Lighten mode with a Bevel & Emboss) )
ArtPlay Palette Sea Life (rope)
Magic FotoBlendz Album (no longer available) - frames on left, loop
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love how you chose the blue color to accent the frames. Gives the page a good unity.
As much as I enjoy seeing Oz's sweet little face, I love seeing the joy on your face just as much. Great memory keeping. Love all the 'fishy' stuff.
Wow, how cute is this boy? I see why you feel so inspired by him and he is always having fun, awesome.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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210.2 KB
1000px x 618px

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