

I'll do it tomorrow

  • Media owner LSlycord
  • Date added
I rarely do layouts without a photo but this kit inspired me to tell one of my life stories. It leaves behind a bit of who I really am and will be a great addition to my book of me. And, I have to tell you that Karen Schulz Designs makes layouts so easy...the borders are part of the collection as is the word art. Check it out!

My journaling:
I have been a procrastinator my entire life. My first memory of procrastination was as a 5th grade student in Mrs. Waltz’s science class. We had an assignment to color pictures of birds and write their descriptions. It was an assignment that we should have worked on for the entire quarter. I saved it for the weekend before it was due.
I don’t remember how many pictures I needed to color
but I do remember that it took a long time. I was still coloring on Sunday night and I needed to get up early on Monday morning to finish.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Karen Schulz Designs
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Reactions: lacy and Betty Jo
I adore this, the photo-less page is perfect- almost like you waited to add the birds until it was too late
Locve the combo of otrm paprts and border clusters
Perfect. Wonderful use of white space, fantastic story telling. I was thinking the same thing as Chris that I expected to see birds on the right, then they weren't there which made me think this was even more perfect for their absence.
A Standing O! for this page.
Linda, I love your page. I'm somewhat of a procrastinator myself, so I relate so much to your journaling and title. I love the torn edged paper, your beautiful clusters, and especially the clock. Congrats on the Standing O! ♥
Perfect. Wonderful use of white space, fantastic story telling. I was thinking the same thing as Chris that I expected to see birds on the right, then they weren't there which made me think this was even more perfect for their absence.
A Standing O! for this page.
Oh Adryane. Thank you, thank you, thank you. After I put this page together, I worried that maybe it didn't do a good enough job showing off Karen's beautiful kit. But once the memory came back to me, I knew that I HAD to scrap it...pictures or no pictures. Thank you...you really made my day!

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Karen Schulz Designs
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32.6 KB
600px x 600px

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