

Stay Wild

  • Media owner pmjames
  • Date added
Created with the Artplay Lateritious Collection On Sale from the 15th June, 2022 and some new stitching in the Store! Stitching Bundle No.1 is also available for a limited time.
Credits list
Artplay Palette Lateritious
ArtsyTransfers Lateritious
WaterColor Template Album No.10
Adventure WordART Mix No.2
Take Flight No.3
Urban Stitchez No.17
Urban Threadz No.23

Process Page 14 of WaterColor Template Album No.10 was opened up and a Solid Paper placed on top of the Background Layer. Three copies of my Focal Image were clipped to the FotoBlendz layer of the Template. A Multiply Blending Mode was applied to the Clipping Mask layer and Color Dodge and Screen Blending Modes were applied to the photo layers. Some layers of the Template were turned off and others were filled with colour to coordinate with my images. Transfers, Overlays, an Artsy Transfer and WordTransfer were placed below the images and Brushwork placed on top. Dimensional elements, WordART and journaling completed the layout.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Oh, I love how you have captured the old building! I think I will lift this. I take pictures of old barns and I never know what to do with them.
Wonderful. I agree it's very much like Andrew Wyeth's work, which I love a lot because I got to go to his estate fifty plus years ago, and he's made a huge impression on me. The birds are so perfect, and your art is so much more impactful than the real thing. ;)
I was thinking of the movie The Birds ... but I like the Andrew Wyeth comparison :-)
Beautiful work, congratulations on the feature.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
230.5 KB
1000px x 1000px

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