

Dad in Wiesbaden

Photos of my dad when he was in the military. The handwriting is his. He was the same age as my son when these photos were taken. Dad didn't talk much about his military days but as I was scrapping this layout, I remembered him talking about how he would like to go back to Wiesbaden. He never made it back. But I've added it to my bucket list!
Credits list
Everything is from Lynn Grieveson. The template is Messy Pockets No. 1 Templates and I have a feeling you will see me using that again and again. Everything else is from Mapped Digital Scrapbooking Collection.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lynn Grieveson
What wonderful photos to have and an awesome tribute to your father. The messy pockets template and mapped are perfect for your photos. ♥
Oh my goth, Linda, I've got goosebumps!!! Your dad's handwriting!! Seriously, fantastic!!! I'm SO happy you like the templates, too!
Oh my goth, Linda, I've got goosebumps!!! Your dad's handwriting!! Seriously, fantastic!!! I'm SO happy you like the templates, too!
I was so excited to be able to incorporate his handwriting and his feelings in this layout! And I would have never been able to do that without these templates!

Layout information

Lynn Grieveson
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Additional categories
Oscraps Cheery O's,

Image metadata

File size
184.5 KB
600px x 600px

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