
Potpourri & Stitched Border ValuePacks Ozzy's Sweater

Potpourri & Stitched Border ValuePacks Ozzy's Sweater

A pure lift of Laura's wonderful Eva's Sweater, using the Potpourri Paperie and Stitched Border Value Packs, plus ArtPlay Wildflower.
On the left I clipped my photo to the mask of a Curled Paper Frame. Thread elements from APP Wildflower were duplicated and COlor Adjusted to match the sweater. Stitched Borders were placed around the photo (note: I don't just adjust the size, as that would make the stitches look too small. I cut, paste, duplicate and rearrange the pieces to make an appropriately sized frame of stitches.)
On the right I used Potpourri Paperie Pieces to create a frame for my photos. I also included the layout I did several months ago for my sunflower granny sweater - the leftovers were used for this sweater.
There is a Linear Burn color fill at reduced opacity over all the background to get the nice warm creamy color.
Love the knitted sweater! You're so talented. The stitching around the photos is the perfect touch for your page!
Love how you layered the stitched borders and used the old document papers.
Beautiful sweaters for both of you! Love the little colored threads you included near Oz's sweater.
A great project - love the sweaters! the stitched borders work so well on this page!
Gorgeous! What a great spread! Full of sunshine and knitwear, does NOT get better than that! Terrific work with the stitches and good point about keeping them all the same size. I took the "willy-nilly" approach as I so often do LOL ;)

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Anna Aspnes
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72.9 KB
600px x 371px

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