

Tax Time

  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
Inspiration – The idea of documents made me think of taxes and so the page took shape. This is the nightmare I used to see on my desk when I was a CPA. I know there is no white space but this is on purpose because you can’t rest your eyes during tax season when you are a tax preparer. Glad to be out of the business.

Start – Create new page File>New 12x12 300

Paper – Added Solid Paper 2 above the background layer.

Photos – all three from Unsplash – 1st leon-dewiwje-ldDmTgf89gU-unsplash.jpg I took notebook brush 3.10 and put it on the page, I created a white paint layer underneath it then grouped the two layers together and attached the photo to the group using Layer>Create Clipping Mask. 2nd sharon-mccutcheon-tn57JI3CewI-unsplash.jpg – I placed Artsy Transfer 5 in the upper left corner. I took two layers of the transfer and grouped them together then attached the 2nd photo using Layer>Create Clipping Mask. 3rd I attached to transfer 4. I played with blend modes on all of these.

Elements – Fabric A I placed in a loop in Artsy Transfer 5. Multimedia Document 3 I placed on the page. At the last minute, I decided that my desk always had a cup of coffee on it during tax season.

Brush – Notebook Brush 3 I placed in the lower right corner

Words – added a quote in a text box over the multimedia document. Then placed the word time over the notebook brush and typed the word Tax to create a title.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Wow... you made taxes look beautiful... I'm a freelancer so will be filing my tax declaration this month too... not looking forward to the chore
Excellent documentation! What a hassle! Definitely not my favorite chore. Years ago, before the accountant came on board, it was me with so many shoeboxes.

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Anna Aspnes
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Image metadata

Tax Time_Archive_Joan Robillard 600.jpg
File size
141.7 KB
Date taken
Tue, 01 March 2022 5:37 PM
600px x 600px

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