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February Challenge #5 - Sketch Challenge at Oscraps — https://oscraps.com/community/threads/february-challenge-5-sketch-challenge.34863

I rotated the sketch 90* CW and used the photo as the vertical focus of the page.
For the background, chose the paper with a mixed media circle painted on it and blended a solid blue paper over it. (Hue 100% Opacity). Then I used Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast on the bottom paper to keep it from looking too dark and muddy.
Credits list
Kit: Just a Boy Collection — https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Just-a-Boy-collection.html by et design
Frame: 52 Inspirations 2020 No 33 Framed Clipping Masks 01 by Karen Schulz Designs — https://www.oscraps.com/shop/52-Ins...lipping-Masks-01-by-Karen-Schulz-Designs.html
Word Art: Sports WordART No. 4 — https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Sports-WordART-No.-4.html by Anna Aspnes

Photo by my SIL
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. et designs
  3. Karen Schulz Designs
Good idea to rotate the sketch to suit the shape of the image. I also think the circular paint stains gives a great contrast to the vertical but also helps bring the focus to the player.
I love what you did here! Love that you used this sketch vertically to highlight this picture. Great title work along either side...love the word art and those gym shoes. Love your OOB. The splash of yellow paint that matches the gym floor...so very detailed here. And I can't believe that he is this old...how does this happen? His form looks pretty good in this photo!
That's a great take on the challenge! I like the vertical orientation of the title work. Congrats on your Standing O!
Thanks so much for joining the challenge. What a fantastic take and I just love that you made it your own! Flipping it a vertical alignment was perfect for this photo!
Congrats on the Standing O!
I love that you rotated the sketch to work with this image. That yellow paint extending the floor alongside the orange stitching and that awesome blue is fantastic.

Layout information

Challenge 5
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, et designs, Oscraps Cheery O's,

Image metadata

feb sketch.jpg
File size
204.7 KB
Date taken
Tue, 08 February 2022 11:59 AM
600px x 600px

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