


"December 27, 1930. We started from San Ardo at 6:10 this morn. After leaving San Jose we took a short cut toward Stockton. At Stockton we changed the oil in the car and had it greased. That took three quarters of an hour. The mileage at that time was 12690 miles. It was nice and clear the first thing this morning, but about noon it began to be smoky & hazy along the road. Between Stockton and Sacramento is a grape growing country and there is one vineyard after another. Out of Sacramento there is a mile and a half long viaduct. Stopped driving 5:35. Total driving hrs 10 hrs 25 min. Mileage 437.

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Credits list
aA Project Template Album No. 7
APP Sonoma (artsy paper clipped to a framed mask. Solid paper clipped to a frame mask.
APP Caducous (Background paper with opacity adjustment)
APP Bountiful (pink button)
Photos: Vineyard (Pexels Markus Winkler); Sea coast cliffs (Pexels Jonathan Schmer)
Family Photos
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: Susan - s3js
More fabulous photos and journaling. This was a huge undertaking in 1930. Still is but not as much as then.
How cool - San Jose, my hometown for many many years! Funny to think about grapes back then!
No more flat tires! Still agriculture along that corridor, though not nearly as beautiful, I think. I really like the mix of photos on this page.

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Anna Aspnes
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