


Dang, I thought I was done with creating Covid art. But since millions refuse to believe medical professionals/scientists and refuse a life-saving vaccine, another variant has kneecapped our society. When did some lose their their empathy, kindness and their ever-loving minds? SMDH! Done for the artsy/multimedia monthly challenge.

Thanks for looking.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
I am loving/hating this at the same time. I am in awe of how beautiful you made this awful subject matter. Your blending makes it feel so dimensional and deep, yet the colors feel almost "fresh" Gorgeous artsy page
I am loving/hating this at the same time. I am in awe of how beautiful you made this awful subject matter. Your blending makes it feel so dimensional and deep, yet the colors feel almost "fresh" Gorgeous artsy page
Were you reading my mind while I working on this, Chris? This is exactly what I was trying to express. The "freshness/newness" of this ugly variant, a little bit of hope because it's not as virulent, and the depth that it's invaded our lives. Perhaps in another life you were an art critic? LOL!
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Were you reading my mind while I working on this, Chris? This is exactly what I was trying to express. The "freshness/newness" of this ugly variant, a little bit of hope because it's not as virulent, and the depth that it's invade our lives. Perhaps in another life you were an art critic? LOL!
Haha!! That is too funny- not an art critic, but maybe my psychology degree has some influence? :p
Even your font pairing shows the same dichotomy, really incredible how you captured all of it.
Hopefully those will be your last page for a while, you will *have* to do a celebration LO when/if this ends
Love your textures from the gesso, so perfect with the ghostly white virus silhouettes.
I think we are all asking the same question "STILL?" In spite of the subject matter you have created a beautiful page. Great textures and colors in the bg.
Powerful page! I did a page very similar to this as the cover of a photo book documenting our 2020 - I have to say that I had hoped not to be repeating the process again but who knows?

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Anna Aspnes
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600px x 600px

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