

This - Here and Now

  • Media owner pmjames
  • Date added
Lunching out at Hogg’s Breath Café curly fries, smoothies and selfies.
Credits list
Summer Template Album No.1
Artplay Ambages Collection
Aubade WordART Mix No.1

Process Page 17 of the Summer Template Album No.1 is the foundation for this layout. The background is created from two solid papers, with the top layer set to a Hue Blending Mode. Two copies of my focal image were clipped to the FotoBlendz layer, with the top layer set to a Screen Blending mode at 34% opacity to make the colours pop. A layer mask and brushes were used on the FotoBlendz layer to blend out the background of the focal image. Supporting images and and artsy papers were clipped to the frame layers. MultiMedia Documents No.8_3 was placed behind the frames, some layers were turned off and others were re-ordered in the Layers Panel to place them on top of the frames. Wordart, beaded threadz, and the mossy branch was placed behind the frame to create a wordart cluster and splatters, lace and dimensional elements completed the page.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Wonderful photos! I am glad you revealed the faces in some of them! Personally, I will be glad when mask are a thing of the past!
this very much depicts a "here and now". ugh, back to masks again, back to too many people getting sick again - I guess that is true in your part of the world as well. But, love this page full of beautiful faces!
this very much depicts a "here and now". ugh, back to masks again, back to too many people getting sick again - I guess that is true in your part of the world as well. But, love this page full of beautiful faces!
This was in April but some parts of Australia are back to wearing masks.
Love the happy smiles and mix of color and sepia photos (great color palette)! It's back to masks here. Gorgeous page!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
228.9 KB
1000px x 1000px

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