

The tree 2001

  • Media owner tanteva
  • Date added
This is a layout I've been thinking of redoing for a while, and I wanted to try some new stuff, so today was the day. Explaining what I've done below.
Credits list
ArtPlay Palette Weihnachtsbaum by Anna Aspnes
AnnaBlendz Artsy 4 by Anna Aspnes
Canvas Textures 1 by Anna Aspnes
Bokeh Burst Brushes by Karen Schulz
Still Life Collection: Love Story 12x12 Overlays by Joanne Brisebois

Font - Effloresce

Photo: my own

John is decorating the tree 2001

I used an old layout from 2011, that I've been thinking of redoing for a while. Added a new layer, colored it gray, changed the blend mode to Burn and lowered the opacity to 50%. The tree in the botton right corner got a bit dark, erased a bit of the top layer using one of Anna's brushes. Added a new layer on top of the bottom layer, picked a color from the background, and played around a bit with a canvas texture brush. Then I added an overlay from Joanne between the layers, picked the color from the flower on the layout and changed the color of the overlay, and then changed the opacity to 47%. Then I didn't really like that the red circle was brighter than the flower. New layer and used a brush to paint over the circle with a soft brush, changed the blend mode to Linear burn, and lowered the opacity til I felt it matched the flower better (45%). And finally, I added some Bokeh circles with a brush from Karen Schulz. These I added on a layer on top of the Burn layer, to make them less visable.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Joanne Brisebois
  3. Karen Schulz Designs
  • Love
Reactions: faerywings
I like the 1st version but wow, what a difference with this one, it has so much depth to it now. You added so many layers-- so awesome. Love the bokeh too
This is so cute with the little one decorating the tree I love the artsy bits the bokeh lights the layering and the brushes this is going into the GSO.

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Oscraps Cheery O's
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Joanne Brisebois, Anna Aspnes, Karen Schulz Designs,

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File size
236.8 KB
Date taken
Sat, 10 July 2021 1:38 PM
600px x 600px

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