
A River Runs By It

A River Runs By It

On Tuesday we waited for sunrise at Alamosa NWR. It was 43 degrees as we watched a golden eagle in very low light. Later, we enjoyed a big field of wild irises and saw the bittern again. I had a thing about the many cattails and chased after a family of Canada geese as they maneuvered to evade us.
Credits list
aA: Paper, Pencil & postage frames, threadz, paint, brushes
Lorie Davison: Wood frame with screws
KPertiet: Photo mask, dragonfly, wood frame, ephemera
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Lorie Davison
Gorgeous! I love the big picture! The geese settle perfectly in the smaller pictures!
Love the frame on the triptych and the textural look you achieved with your paint. Also the dragonfly, map and stamp add extra interest
What more can I say your pages are fantastic, the great background photo and the tiny photos with frame are beautiful, the composition is super, I also love the dragonfly, nature is so great!
Very beautiful in design and colors! love the big photo background with the framed ones! So soothing colors!
OMgosh I search for golden eagles all the time and they never show up for me LOL - love the big photo on the back ground! These really are going to make for a great series in your notebook! gorgeous framing!
Love the 2 page spread with smaller photos placed here and there! Love the duck in the stamp frame.
Gorgeous! (a visual delight!) Love the flow of frames and subtle texture!

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Anna Aspnes
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246.3 KB
1224px x 772px

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