

Ocean Blue Vibes

I didn't get any beach time this year, but Anna did. New kit, Artplay Palette Aubade, coming May 28.
Credits list
New May 28!
Artplay Palette Aubade (paper, button recolored, drift wood, net, umbrella)
MultiMedia Shells 2
Aubade WordART Mix 1

FotoBlendz Overlay 15

Artsy paper 4 was used for the foundation of the page. The photo was clipped to a fotoblendz mask (blending mode changed to hard light), duplicated with the blending mode changed to screen with a reduced opacity. The layers were merged, then duplicated with the blending mode changed to screen (opacity at 33%). A transfer from the kit was layered over the image with the blending mode changed to color burn. Splatters and an edge overlay from the kit were added. The page was completed by adding word art and dimensional embellishments.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
The paper texture is such a nice area to place the photo, and I love both of your clusters! Hope you'll have some beach time before the summer ends!
a real fairy tale landscape! I love the touches of blue and the small umbrella!
The cluster with the umbrella...it does NOT get better than that! Good to see you back working with palm trees, even though they were off your radar for the year.
Lovely page! I can smell the sea air and feel the warm breeze. Wish I was there!
I like the horizon line right across the middle of the page, the strong color streams at upper left and lower right, and those wood posts with the umbrella. Hope you got a mini-fix from your play time.
Fantastic layout - the blending is amazing. And congrats on being featured on Gallery Standouts!

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
197.3 KB
600px x 600px

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