

Johannes Rudbeckius

  • Media owner tanteva
  • Date added
There is an amazing feeling when you find out that your own very personal history is part of your country's history. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that this man is my ancestor. History becomes so real. (Translation of journaling in the credit list)
Credits list
Wanderlust by On a Whimsical Adventure
WoodShop Canvas No. 1 by Anna Aspnes

Font - Times New Roman

Painting is a photo I took of a painting at a museum.

Johannes Rudbeckius (1581-1646)
Professor at the University of Uppsala
Chaplain to the King Gustav II Adolf
Bishop in Västerås
Founded first High School of Sweden
Founded first Girl School of Sweden
Coordinated the work with the 1617 translation of the Bible
My mother's mother's mother's father's mother's father's mother's father's father's mother's mother's mother's father
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
What an amazing genealogy find! Really amazing to think about. The background paper and colors are what caught my eye at first but then reading the rest of it was so darn cool! Were you pointing at the painting in the museum yelling hey- he is my family!?!?
Beautiful background and cluster! Great photo and especially special to find out he is related!
what a great find to find someone like that as your ancestor

fabulous page and thanks for joining the challenge
A beautiful page to document your ancestral journey! Beautiful choice of papers and elements! A wonderful page!
Wow! That's a wonderful discovery, and you made a beautiful page to show off the photo. I especially like how you managed to use a very patterned paper and still lead our eye to the portrait.

Layout information

Challenge 6
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Additional categories
Anna Aspnes, On A Whimsical Adventure, Oscraps Cheery O's,

Image metadata

File size
231.6 KB
Date taken
Mon, 03 May 2021 4:07 PM
600px x 600px

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