

Scenic3 with FotoInspired Oz photos

  • Media owner dwsewbiz
  • Date added
In nice spring weather I walk the 3.5 miles to Oz's house. He is enjoying more of the outdoors, more playing, and finally is comfortable in his crib (his Mama's, which I repainted and styled with stars).
Credits list
Scenic Template Album 3
FotoInspired Template Pack 2Q
ArtPlay Palette Romance
Artsy Transfers Romance
Love Glows 2
Patience WordArt Mix No 1
Combining Scenic Template with FotoInspired gives nice contrast of line and shape. The hard part is then getting all to work together - the answer? Transfers, pieces of Transfers, Glows, Sprinklez and splatters.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Oz a de la chance de vous avoir, vous le gâtez bien. Oz a l'air très bien dans son joli berceau. C'est le hochet de Pâques sur les photos ? Il est très beau.
Wonderful photos of Oz! Spring is in the air and fresh air is great for grandma and Oz!
What more could any grandma possibly want than baby love and spring blossoms. So much to be thankful for. Beautiful pages.
Beautiful photos of Oz spring will bring warmer days for walks with him the blossoms are stunning I love the stitches and the baby rattle.x
It will be so fun for you and your family to look back at these wonderful Oz growing up memories.
Sweet photos. He looks more and more alert. I'm glad you're having some nice weather to enjoy.
Lovely photos of Oz. Happy for you that you can walk in such nice weather to Oz`s house.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
80.1 KB
600px x 371px

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