
Patty Anne

jPA - Happy Trails

Honestly, Does it get any more adorable than my Dad on his pony, Brownie? How cute is he in his wire rimmed glasses and ear flap hat? What adventures did he dream of when he was riding out on the farm? Did he want to be a cowboy riding the range? Or did he dream of becoming an explorer and riding to far away lands? From this far away land of 2021, I want to wish that boy a lifetime of Happy Trails.

Created for the January Heritage Scrap.
Created using Anna Aspnes' "APP Together", "APP Ablaze", "APP Gentle Morning", "APP Old World", "APP Snapshot", "Assemblage Overlays 2", "Artistic Edges 3", "Onward WordArt".
Gorgeous page and precious photo! I love everything it, but especially the stacked papers frame. Perhaps he was pretending to be Roy Rogers. Not sure if he was popular then, but he was my cowboy hero in the fifties. This one deserves a Standing O! https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?t=40319&page=4
very beautiful page! I love her color palette and the large number of beautifully and harmoniously arranged elements.
A marvelous photo and such great journaling. So glad you scrapped it and shared it with us. Love the framing and other elements scattered around the page. Thanks for joining the challenge.
Awesome photo and page! Love the layering behind the photo ... Congrats with the standing O! So well deserved.
What a treasure of a photo! Love your journaling. Great take on the challenge, and congrats on your Standing O!
What a precious photo! He looks so happy riding the range ;) on that pony. I love your color choices for the page and especially like the beaded word art.
Great journaling of a great photo. Love the way that you brought it to life by really thinking about what it was like to be him. Love your title work and I love the way you layered the elements. Perfect colors.

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Challenge 2
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Patty Anne
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