
prendre un enfant par la main

prendre un enfant par la main

52-2020-no-16-Design by Tina_PFMJ_paper1
Take a child by the hand
To take him to tomorrow,
To give him confidence in his steps,
Take a child for a king.
Hugging a child
And for the first time,
To dry her tears by suffocating with joy,
Take a child in his arms.
Take a child by the heart
To relieve his misfortunes,
Quietly, without speaking, without shame,
Take a child on his heart.
Hugging a child
But for the first time,
Shedding tears stifling her joy,
Taking a child against yourself.
Take a child by the hand
And sing him choruses
To make him fall asleep at nightfall,
To take a child by love.
Take a child as it comes
And to comfort his sorrows,
Living his life for years, then suddenly,
Take a child by the hand
Looking at everything at
Looking down the road,
Take a child for his own.
I don't know many french songs, but these lyrics are beautiful. love the background paper with the 2 characters. beautiful page. thanks for playing the challenge!

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