


  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette My Camera (paper, label word) Artplay Palette My Camera
Artsy Transfers My Camera (splatters) Artsy Transfers My Camera
Artsy Cameras 3 Artsy Cameras 3
SkinnyLined Overlays 3 SkinnyLined Overlays 3
Foto WordART 1 Foto WordART 1
Photo WordART Mix 1 Photo WordART Mix 1
FotoBlendz Overlays 15 FotoBlendz Overlays 15
Circle IT 2 (retired)

Photo by: luxestudiointeriors

An artsy paper from APP My Camera was used as the foundation of the page. The photo was clipped to a fotoblendz mask, then duplicated. A large red circle (blending mode changed to color burn) was layered behind the mask. A spiral circle was added for more definition. Using an Artsy Camera 3 image (flipped horizontally) a circle clipping mask was created over the center of the lens. The smaller image was clipped to it. The page was completed by adding word art, a skinnyLined overlay and splatters from AT My Camera.

Thank you for looking!
Love the circles and the colors, especially the red filtering over the neutral portrait.
Love the bold red against the subdued bg. Wonderful page design and use of the skinny lined overlay.
Very dynamic design! The colors are wonderful and I love the circle elements!
Your page jumps up in the gallery, the red is great, youve beautiful things added, love the red circle and the camera with the photo, an awesome page Miki!!
Le rouge donne de lnergie dans votre conception, une page contemporaine et artistique, j'Adore Miki !!!
Le rouge donne de lnergie dans votre conception, une page contemporaine et artistique, j'Adore Miki !!!

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Anna Aspnes
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