
Twilight Zone

Twilight Zone

Twilight Zone

aA papers, transfers, stitchez, MM Sprinkles, wordArt, brushes, Special One Templates
four of my fractals

The Grizzly fire started August 10th and the Cameron Peak fire August 13. We had red flag weather with smoke, haze, and high 90s and 100 degrees. We stayed indoors, and I returned to making fractals after watching all of YouTube's off-road towing videos. 175,000 COVID-19 deaths.

I had a bunch of fractals made with the same color palette and wanted to try to make them work with the recent Twilight Zone release.
Wow, I love those fractals. The so express the fires you are talking about, although they are not scary and the real flames must have been.
Fabulous page, awesome way to express yourself.
Standing O for you!
I hope these fires in Colorado (true vision of hell) will stop. they are so hard to control. this disaster added to the pandemic covid 19 gives us a great discomfort! your page is very successful and a beautiful allegory of fire!how to deny global warming and all the problems born of the lack of respect for the planet
Congrats for the standing O
Congratulations on your Standing O! The colors and lights of your fractals are gorgeous!
Sorry about the fires and that you are back to staying in, but the fractals seem better than ever! I love that largest one, like rings of Saturn!
Love your amazing fractals and the way they careen across the page, the finery sparks uncontrollablelike the fires and the deaths. Such sadness.
Congrats on the O
Magnifiques fractales et couleurs !!! je suis dsole que vous ayez subir ces incendies monstrueux.
Flicitations pour le standing O bien mrit.
Your fractals are always so beautiful and they do indeed coordinate with this release perfectly. It's a shame that with everything else going on in our country these wildfires are a persistent threat. Congrats on your Standing O!

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Anna Aspnes
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