
New York Tough

New York Tough

I miss my daily briefings with Andrew.

Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Chatter (brush) Artplay Palette Chatter
MultiMedia Melic (heart recolored) MultiMedia Melic
Easy Curled Edges 1 Easy Curled Edges 1
Stars 1 Stars 1
Painted Circle Splatz 2 Painted Circle Splatz 2
12x12 Scratched Overlays 1 2x12 Scratched Overlays 1

A 12x12 page was divided diagonally. Each half was filled with a color. The Curled Edge was rotated diagonally, layered over the division of color and resized to fit. The photos were downloaded from the internet. The one in the TV was processed in the iPhone app Photoshop Camera, using the Spectrum setting. The image was clipped to a frame mask inside the TV. A brush was created using another image and stamped on the page. A newspaper vibe was created (Filter>Pixelate>Color Halftone) on the bottom cutout image. The page was completed by adding stars, brushes and an overlay.

Thanks for looking!
I'm all the way out here and I'm a fan too. Love the primary colors and that you put him on a TV with a glitch effect.

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Anna Aspnes
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