

Curse of Blackwood Hall

On May 14 I took on the challenge of putting my first 1000 piece puzzle together. Not just any puzzle, but a puzzle you had to solve a murder after it was all put together. The picture on the box told the first part of the story, the finished puzzle told the rest of the story with dead bodies in the dining room, suspects and clues, leading to the solution to the crime. Oh how fun, I thought. I love a good murder mystery! Then I poured those 1000 pieces onto the dining room table. I thought, oh my God, what have I gotten myself into? The table was covered with all these disjoined pieces. Where do I start? Of course Maxwell had to get in on the fun by jumping up on the table. He only did that twice. I sorted, looking for the edges first, then starting with the what I thought the easiest part of the puzzle. Some days I would find several pieces and other days it would only be a couple of pieces, but on June 3, I put the last piece in place and it was finished. Hurray! Now I had to follow the clues and name the guilty party. I was pretty sure who it was, but I wanted to stew on it for awhile, I didnt want to jump to hasty conclusions. I went about my business during the day and finally decided to name the culprit just before I started my dinner. Holding my breath, I checked the solution to the crime and . . . yippee! I was right! Yes, I will do another of these wonderful puzzles, but when cold weather sets in.

ArtsyTransfers LostArtsyTransfersLost
ArtPlay Palette LostArtPlayPaletteLost
Lost WordART Mix No. 1LostWordARTMixNo.1
Edges No. 1EdgesNo.1
PaperTextures No. 10PaperTexturesNo.10
ArtsyStains No. 11ArtsyStainsNo.11
UrbanThreadz No. 21UrbanThreadzNo.21

Notes: Solid paper 2 as the foundation and creating a triangle shape with the Polygonal Tool and filling with a color. Bringing in the black and white photo under the triangle shape and clipping the color photo to the triangle shape. Cutout filter was used on the black and white and blended. The ArtsyTransfer was brought in over these layers.

With the Custom Shape Tool I drew out the puzzle pieces and clipped photos to them. I Bevelled and Embossed the shapes. I grouped them and added the Sweet Pea underneath. The Edges brush was used along the triangle with a Paper Texture added for good measure. The title was typed out with a sticker style used on it.

The journaling was brought in and another shape was added underneath and a vellum style used. The key and threads completed the page.
I saw this type of puzzle when quarantine first started and we were looking for new ones to keep us busy, on a level of 1-10 how frustrating was it? I love that included your cat and the way you blended the puzzle pieces
Oh bravo this is wonderful! Your wonderful design and font perfectly fit the mood, and what a fun puzzle! I know someone who might enjoy something like this :-) Your kitty among the pieces is priceless!
congrats on finishing the puzzle but also for solving the crime mystery! I love the cat addition! fantastic!
This is a cool concept in puzzles! I had never seen one! The addition of the cat adds to the drama!
Loved your story, I come from a puzzle-loving family. Glad you correctly solved the mystery. Fabulous visual capture of the fun.
love your story behind, your design and detective maxwell top left. gorgeous page.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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