
We Are All George Floyd

We Are All George Floyd

Murals of George Floyd done by street artists worldwide. I wish I knew who they were to give them credit. The upper left one was done in Houston, TX, George's birthplace. His funeral will be held there later this week.

Use a Foto Inspired Template and lots of stitchez.

Thanks for looking.
there are many artists, celebrities and common people all over the world, who take action to this very sad incident. for exemple the soccer team of fc liverpool taking a knee
https://www.liverpoolfc.com or a street artist in mannheim (germany) https://bnn.de/nachrichten/suedwestecho/mannheimer-kuenstler-solidaritaets-graffito-fuer-george-floyd
there is still a lot left to do.
gorgeous tribute and page.
How sad to have a murdered black man before we wake up and start to realize the inequity of how people of color are treated in America. Wonderful murals and a great page and tribute to George Floyd.
Great page. Wonderful art to save. I like the grid design and black background.
This is a wonderful tribute page you have made showing the art work of so many who have come to share the grief of this terrible sad event that happened to this poor man.
Very sad story. Discrimination and violence are always outrageous !!
This tribute is simply amazing, Christy!!

Nagyon szomor trtnet. A megklnbztets s az erszak mindig felhbort!
Egyszeren csodlatos ez a tisztelg oldal, Christy!!
Bel hommage Christy, la discrimination raciale au 21 sicle et dans des pays dmocratiques ne devrait plus exister, c'est affligeant.

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Anna Aspnes
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