Photo of my grandmother holding my mother and my aunt next to them. 1927
aA Classic COLLECTION Quaintville SALE WED. April 29
This limited option is back at a 57% discount and now includes the coordinating ArtsyTransfers. This product will no longer be available after May 6, 2020 at 9am EST.
ArtPlay Palette Quaintville
FotoBlendz Overlays No. 10
ArchiTextures No. 7
Quaint WordART Mix No. 1
Artsy Layered Template No 249
Artsy Transfers Quaintville
Process: Disclaimer--Ive been playing around with this for a week and have changed it so many times I dont remember everything I did, but will highlight a few steps.
Filled ArchiTextures brush with color; duplicated; applied color burn blending mode to top layer and placed on paper Quaintville Artsy Paper 3.
ArtsyStains, Splatters, and other brushes used in this layout have been recolored/filled with color. To RECOLOR brushes: Recolor the layer via Edit> Fill> Color> Color Picker Tool> OK. (Ensure the Preserve Transparency box is checked.)
Clipped multiple copies of photo to several layers of ArtsyTransfers and to FotoBlendz Overlay 10_1experimenting with blending modes, opacity, and rearranging until happy with results; merged layers and background paper.
Finished with textures, elements, and WordART.