faerywings Feb 9, 2020 perfect quote, I can see why you love it! The contrast between the b/w photo, dark paper, and the font colors is totally eye-catching
perfect quote, I can see why you love it! The contrast between the b/w photo, dark paper, and the font colors is totally eye-catching
Danesa Feb 9, 2020 The photo you chose really represents the quote perfectly. I like how you did the quote with the colors of the leaves. Lovely.
The photo you chose really represents the quote perfectly. I like how you did the quote with the colors of the leaves. Lovely.
AZK Feb 10, 2020 The black background really sets the stage for the photo and those colors. I've not heard that quote before; I can see why you like it!
The black background really sets the stage for the photo and those colors. I've not heard that quote before; I can see why you like it!