AnnaRelease 20 December 2019
Inspiration - A trip this week to the Victoria Mansion in Portland, Maine.
Start- With a new file
Paper - Solid Paper 3
Masks - EvergreenFotoblendz 3.1 for focal photo and DestressedFrames 5.3 for supporting photos.
Photos- Added the focal picture to the mask layer of the foto using Layer>Create Clipping Mask and then colored the other layers . I added the supporting photos to the Masked of the DestressedFrames but played with the position and layer level of the mask groups to accommodate my photos.
Elements- added MultiMediaHolidays 5.1
Wordart- Used the Word Art "The Sparkle"
Brushes - Added a little texture to the page with a brush
journaling- Just added the name of the place and the year to the page.