

2019Dec project pg16

  • Media owner nancyr
  • Date added
the title is Still life - lol birds for the most part are never still - these are some chickadee photos - one where he sat and I could get close and one series where he was taking a bath
Used the following by Anna Aspnes
Project template album #5 - https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Project-Template-Album-No.-5.html
ArtPlay palette Mistletoe - https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Mistletoe.html
MultiMedia Leaves #8 - https://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Leaves-No.-8.html
the chickadee's are incredibly fast, and real acrobats. What a beautiful collage you made! Love the picture in the water !
Love the splashing! and the cute little bird element you found for this page. Beautiful tones on this page.
This album will be fantastic! I love how you lifted the title with a shadow to make it look like a paper cut!
You are a great photographer too Nancy, wow, this page is amazing, such a great photos, colors and the super background!
Wonderful page and fun photos. When asked my favorite bird I sometimes say chickadee, in part because they make me smile. This page really makes me smile!
Still catching up on your marvelous book. I once caught an oak titmouse sleeping! Fun because I got photos with eyes closed and open. Its digital...... just shoot

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Anna Aspnes
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