

AnnaLift 12/14/19 - 12/27/19

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AnnaLift 12/14/19 - 12/27/19

Artsy Layered Template No. 200
MultiMedia Frames No. 3
Oval frames ( can't find them in store anymore)
ArtPlay Palette Family

This is my great-grandmother, she and Willem had 2 children, Joep and Anna. Willem died in the first WO. Then she married Willem's brother, Hendrik. With him she had 1 child Emmy, my grandmother.
After the birth of my grandmother, my great-grandmother died in childbirth. Willem and Hendrik were brothers.
My great-grandfather worked in the Walloons (part of Belgium, there was a lot of work after the war) , but the mother of Willem and Hendrik, lived in Hamont (my hometown) and there the children were mostly raised with "mother" as they said at the time.

Promotion - I received the product for free
as part of my free creative team work for the designer.

I will show the product with my layout, thanks for looking !
this is wonderful - you are very lucky to have such photo - they must be treasured! beautiful!
You have such wonderful photos, Vera! Wonderful use of the different shaped frames to add an extra touch of interest to this beautiful page.
trs belles photos du patrimoine, vous avez de la chance d'avoir de telles photos, trs beau lift bravo.
Joyeuses Ftes.
Wat een schitterende layout .. foto's van mijn overgrootmoeder heb ik niet ... wel enkele van mijn grootmoeder ...
Amazing art. Not sure what I love the mostyour art or how perfectly you've captured your family's history. Thanks for playing along.

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Anna Aspnes
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