


  • Media owner zwyck
  • Date added
ArtsyTransfers Verdure https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtsyTransfers-Verdure.html
ArtPlay MiniPalette Rococo https://www.oscraps.com/shop/AnnaRelease-22-November-2019.html
ArtPlay Palette Verdure https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Verdure.html
Art WordART Mix No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Art-WordART-Mix-No.-1.html
Spackle Textured No 6 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Spackle-Textured-No.-6.html

Process: I started with a solid paper from ArtPlay Palette Verdure. I placed a transfer from ArtsyTransfers Verdure and clipped my photo to it. I expanded the photo by using the Clone Stamp Tool. Then I added brushes and paints from ArtPlay Palette Verdure and ArtPlay MiniPalette Rococo to get some textures on the photo. I recolored then the transfer I clipped my photo to into black. A lace from ArtPlay Palette Verdure was placed to the top of the photo. An edge overlay from ArtPlay Palette Verdure was placed at the left side. I added the wordart and a wordtransfer from Art WordART Mix No. 1 and finished the layout with texures from Spackle Textured No 6.
Beautiful page with the b/w textured background and the colorful photo treatment!
The contrast of the b/w background and color really allows the delightful photo art to shine! Vibrant and fun!
Love this art piece very much, the bright colors and texture are great, a fantastic page Ulla May!

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Anna Aspnes
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