

Exquisite Light

  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
ArtPlay Palette Gentle Morning https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Gentle-Morning.html On Sale Nov 13
12 X 12 Page FotoBlendz No. 9 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/12-X-12-Page-FotoBlendz-No.-9.html On Sale Nov 13
MultiMedia Birds No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Birds-No.-1.html On Sale Nov 13
Artsy Layered Template No. 213 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Artsy-Layered-Template-No.-213.html On Sale Nov 13
Rise WordART Mix No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Rise-WordART-Mix-No.-1.html On Sale Nov 13
Inspiration: This week, I began to see my page form as I downloaded all the products in the vintage kit for this week.

Inspiration: This week, I began to see my page form as I downloaded all the products in the vintage kit for this week.

Process: I started with Artsy Layered Template 213. I love these templates because I have a couple of frames for pictures, but then lots of places to be "artsy." I see a spot to place the focal image, but there really isn't a mask to attach the photo. Using masks makes things easier. So I brought in 12x12 page Fotoblendz 1.2. I had to reduce the size to fit over the area I thought would be the right spot for the photo. I attached the picture to the Fotoblendz using Layer>Create Clipping Mask. I used to food photos to fill the frames and clipped the images to the Mask. I used Hue/Saturation to turn one of the photos to a black and white image.

Above the background layer, I placed SolidPaper 4 and 1, changing the blend mode of Solid Paper 1 to soft light. I clicked on each of the stain and texture layers and added color using Edit>Fill. I picked colors from the photos, including the picture of the latte. I created a confused look.

Using the custom shape tool, I created the window panes and placed them over the picture on the fotoblendz. I put the MultiMedia of the birds between the Custom Shape and the photo. I took a picture of a latte that I have and used the new Object Selection tool to select it and copy it onto a layer. It needed a little touching up. I thought the word strip "coffee" looked good coming from behind the coffee mug. I added a Drop Shadow to the cup, then I clicked on the fx and clicked on Create Layer, which puts the drop shadow on its own layer. I used the Warp Tool to make the adjust the shadow, so the Word Strip looked like it was popping up a little from the page. I moved the leaves under the framed photos.

Lastly, I added the WordArt, which I moved each word onto its own layer. Then I typed in the journaling.
Love this, especially the window that looks out to the water! Beautiful!
The window from the custom shape tool is wonderful! You have created a feeling of a lazy morning!
what a good idea that this very bright window with this beautiful landscape, which contrasts with the warm colors and a little dark of a cozy interior!

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Anna Aspnes
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