


AASPN_Artsy Layered Template No.24
Jopke Designs | Creative Effort Collection
In July 2017, the fire was close to home, on the hills covered with pine trees, it was moving at a brisk pace and despite the many firemen and canadairs it was getting closer and we were ready to leave the house, already several houses had burned!
Fortunately the wind has weakened and we escaped this disaster!
So scary to see fire so close to your home. Glad it was controlled before it reached your place. Great photo and page design.
It's so distressing to see so many layouts about the dangerous fires around the world, but it's definitely a memory important to capture. Glad you were okay!
So glad you were spared from the fire. How frightening. Great way to document it.
Je me rappelle de ces feux et ces moments terrifiants ! J'tais moi-mme sur la cte d'Azur ce moment chez des amis. Il y avait galement le feu sur la colline juste en face, et nous avons surveill le ballet des hlicoptres trs anxieusement !

I remember those fires and those terrifying moments! I myself was on the Cte d'Azur at this time with friends. There was also fire on the hill just opposite, and we watched the helicopter ballet very anxiously!

Thank you for this beautiful layout and your participation in the challenge !
OMGosh how scary! I'm glad the wind changed weakened! Stay safe and continue with the wonderful layouts!

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