***DoubleMaker Uplift Paperie***
DoubleMaker Uplift Paperie
*MultiMedia Balloons No. 4*_4
MultiMedia Balloons No. 4 (On sale)
*Uplift WordART Mix No. 1*_WABestKind
Uplift WordART Mix No. 1 (On sale)
Also used:
FotoBlend zOverlays No. 13_5
FotoBlend zOverlays No. 13
Torn Foto Frames No. 2_2,8
Torn Foto Frames No. 2
UrbanStitchez No. 7_2,7
I opened Artsy Paper. I dragged FotoBlendz Overlays, duplicated and mirrored. I cut the photos. These were set with Brightness / Contrast Effect. I put the photo frames and sewed them. I put MM Balloons on the right. Then I opened and placed WABestKind, which got a shadow. In the WA text, instead of "DAY", the word "ebening" has been red colored.
Thanks for looking!
I do not speak English. I'm using Google Translator - sorry! I will answer your question!