

Still Life

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The Smell of moist earth and lilacs
hung in the air like wisps of the past
and hints of the future.

~ Margaret Millar


WaterColourTemplate Album No 8 ** NEW in Store 22nd March**

APP_Radiant Product Name

TapeTextures No 8 Product Name

Using a solid paper I added the template. I added my main photograph and then recoloured the stains and splatters to complement my colour palette.
Photographs were clipped to the framed masks.
I added a tape texture and some embellishments.
tFinally I added a quote and a title.

Thanks for looking
my most adored flower ... a large bush grew right by open windows --- the smell is exactly as your poet describes. Memories of my childhood. Always told my Mother that I wanted to get married at lilac time and have the whole church full of this intoxicating aroma. She said I almost gave her heart failure -- in Minnesota the lilac blooms "sometime" in Spring and lasts a very short time ....
Oh I can't wait until the lilacs bloom in May. My favorite flower. I love how the vine helps lead the eye around.
I love the artistry of this page - its so well balanced and the colors of the papers are just the perfect match to go with the beautiful photos. And the photos are so "vintage" and soft . Simply gorgeous and very lovely!

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Anna Aspnes
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