
2018Aug10 bubble net feeding Anna lift

2018Aug10 bubble net feeding Anna lift

Thanks to Debby Todd for her inspiration page and use a dark background.
This is two blended photos of humpback whales taken on a whale watching cruise - bubble net feeding happens when small fish like herring are running in this area - humpback whales swim around the herring making a ball - at some point the matriarch whale lets lose with a high pitch scream and they all let lose bubbles and charge to the surface with their mouths open catching the herring - humpbacks are normally solitary animals except for this and when breeding in Hawaii - the naturalist on board counted 12 tails which is the most she has ever seen do this - so exciting
Used the following by Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay palette Fernweh - https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Fernweh.html
UrbanThreadz FotoBlendz frames #2 - https://www.oscraps.com/shop/UrbanThreadz-FotoBlendz-Frames-No.-2.html
SeaSprinklez #1 - https://www.oscraps.com/shop/SeaSprinklez-No.-1.html
Beautiful page and the darker background is right for it. Fascinating story too. Love the effect of these frames.
This is so stunning. What beautiful creatures they are and to see them so up close and personal must have been thrilling. Your lo and journaling make me feel i am watching a national geographic program. Very moving page

Ps: I really do love your dark background ... From the depths of the ocean they came
What an awesome sight! Love the darker background and blended photo!
What an experience. You art is amazing too, loving the background. Thanks for playing along!
Gorgeous page ... perfect background for your beautiful photos ... what an experience! thanks for sharing your story ...

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Anna Aspnes
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