


If you look through my gallery, you'd notice that I include journaling on most of my pages. I love the aesthetics of text and I also feel that storytelling is an important part of scrapbooking... that said, however, I often struggle to find the right words to express what I want to say... especially when I'm musing, rather than describing events. And this page is one of those pages. I was playing around with this kit, thinking about everything and nothing in particular, and I felt my page needed some journaling. I typed the following prompt into the free version of ChatGPT and this is what I got... not bad, but it made me aware of just how there is truly NOTHING new under the Sun....

you are a mother of two teenage kids. write a short paragraph about you determination to have a good day despite all the worries you may have about your kids;

The journaling reads:

As a mother of two teenagers, my determination to have a good day remains steadfast, even amidst the worries that naturally accompany parenthood. With each sunrise, I choose to focus on the positive, embracing the joys and challenges of nurturing my children into adulthood. While concerns about their well-being and future may linger in the back of my mind, I strive to maintain a sense of optimism and resilience. I remind myself that I have equipped them with the tools to navigate life's uncertainties, and I trust in their ability to overcome obstacles. Through it all, I cherish the moments of laughter, connection, and growth, finding solace in the love that binds our family together.
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Rachel Jefferies
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Olga Unfettered 800.jpg
File size
229 KB
Date taken
Mon, 25 March 2024 11:40 AM
800px x 800px

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