


  • Media owner zwyck
  • Date added
ArtPlay Palette Hinge https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Hinge.html
Autumn WordART Mix No 5 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Autumn-WordART-Mix-No.-5.html
MultiMedia Leaves No 8 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Leaves-No.-8.html

Process: I started with an artsy paper from ArtPlay Palette Hinge. I added the photo (edited with an app on my mobile) and clipped it to brush from ArtPlay Palette Hinge that I first duplicated twice. I rotated it to fit my photo. I used the Clone Stamp Tool and enlarged the photo in the lower part to get a smoother transition to the brush. I also placed a GoldPaint here to cover the transition. I added a crochet to the left and placed it under the photo and brush. Then I added more brushes and a glow from MultiMedia Leaves No 8 set to blending mode Multiply gave more contrast to the brush above the photo. I placed a leaf, a rose and crayons from ArtPlay Palette Hinge to the right side and elements from MultiMedia Leaves No 8 were placed under these. I changed the colors on the crayons with adjustment layers for Hue/Saturation. I finished the layout with the wordstrip from ArtPlay Palette Hinge, the BeadedThreadz and the word change from Autumn WordART Mix No 5. The word change was duplicated and the blending mode for the copy set to Screen with a low opacity.

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Anna Aspnes
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