


  • Media owner JeanneMN
  • Date added
This layout is a combination of 3 Color Play along with elements from a 4th designer's Color Play. The frames and elements came from all 4 kits and frames have blending mode added. The background was made from multiple papers from each designer 8 or 10 total. I was the first time Photoshop couldn't save my file because it was too big. I wanted the painted version of the photo to remain as true as possible to the original, so I layered and masked the bottom part of a frame over and over until I filled in those areas. It also has filters and a blending mode.

This is a companion page to my previous 'sailor' page. I'm incapable of deleting photos of my darling grands. Hubs looked at this and said, "you're doing a whole page of sailor suit, why?" Because I LOVE them (I didn't tell him I had more planned) and want to save every expression. My Mr. Man is 15 now and is 6'5", but he is and always will be my "Sweet Pea"
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Daydream Designs
  2. Joyful Heart Designs
  3. Lynn Grieveson
  4. Rachel Jefferies
I can't stand out cute this is. The little sailor suit is just too adorable and what a handsome little guy.
Thank you so much, he and I joined hearts the moment I first saw him and he curled his fingers around around my finger. That cuteness is why I have so much trouble deleting photos. :heartpumpred:

Layout information

Challenge 6
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Joyful Heart Designs, Color Play, Oscraps Cheery O's, Rachel Jefferies, Lynn Grieveson, Daydream Designs,

Image metadata

File size
249.8 KB
408px x 408px

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