


Kit and journal block - Magical moments freebie by Kitty and Vera Lim;
2010 date - tid bit numbers by one little bird
Paislee Press Template Press Plate No.2
Kit is Magical Moments addon by Kitty Designsa and Vera Lim

Journaling reads:
Today I got my first dog bite. Having worked with animals for the past 10 plus years and never gotten bitten is good. Today was bad, my Poor foot, 8 stitches. I was tough though never cried or moved when the Roty hit me, just stood my ground and waited for it to let go. My scar will be with me a life time to remind me of the bite I took saving my child from a bad dog with a horrible owner.
Ouch that looks like it hurt a lot!!! You are my hero, saving your child from that bad Roty!! What a shame that owners are usually to blame for a bad dog. You rock!!
What a crazy story!! Your poor foot but thank goodness that was all that happened and you were able to protect your child. The red paper block looks great.
OMg, this brought a tear to my eye. :( What a beautiful page you managed to make out of this horrible memory, though! I'm so glad it wasn't your dear child's face. My little brother still has a scar (on his face) from a dog bite when he was 6. (He's married with 4 kids now.)

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